Quick Start



  • You may be prompted with a Window titled "Windows protected your PC". If this is the case click "More Info" and then "Run Anyway"

  • Click through the Installer and Select "Close"

  • Run Branta from the Start Menu

  • Note: Branta will run on Startup by default. You can change this in Windows Settings -> Apps -> Startup


  • Download from the App Store or our Website

  • Double click the .zip file

  • Double click the .dmg file

  • Drag Branta to Applications

  • Set Branta to run on Login: System Settings -> Login Items -> +

Verifying the Install

Copy 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa.

If you see the following notification, you're all set!

Note: You may be asked to allow Branta to send notifications. Make sure to allow this.

Last updated