
What is Address Verification?

Branta Address Verification offers customers a way to verify Bitcoin and Lightning Payments.

Anyone paying a Bitcoin or Lightning invoice can click "verify with Branta," and see that the address shown at checkout is authentic.

What do I have to do?

Browsers are decently secure, but there are no refunds in Bitcoin. When your browser shows a Bitcoin Address or Lightning Invoice to pay, you can optionally click the Branta Link shown at checkout. This has a few advantages:

  • A second source to match against: You're no longer trusting the Merchant website only, in case an evil browser extension changes the address on

  • If the address shown on Branta matches the address shown on the Merchants website, you have extra confidence the address is correct

  • Cross-Device Confidence: You can open the Branta Link on a separate phone or computer for an additional layer of confidence

  • Merchants can anonymize checkout to a UUID only shown at checkout.

How does it work?

Businesses accepting Bitcoin can onboard with Branta. After onboarding, customers can verify payments from any device, anywhere in the world.

Why bother?

Bitcoin and Lightning payments are irreversible - transactions are final and cannot be refunded in case of an error. Branta offers a frictionless way to double-check addresses, without having to contact the business manually.

Last updated